Friday, February 12, 2010

Why do Americans conduct the world's largest mass slaughter of deer?

How so? Please cite your sources for this claim. You can't.Why do Americans conduct the world's largest mass slaughter of deer?
Because the deer population has gotten larger and larger over the years.

And because a lot of people don't enjoy deer poop or their plants being destroyed by the deer, hunting is encouraged.

Don't forget also lyme tick disease---deer carry the ticks. Deer also like to toss themselves in front of cars for some reason.Why do Americans conduct the world's largest mass slaughter of deer?
It appears that you are unhappy with the behavior of hunters. Changing another person's behavior is not easy. It is best to perfect your own behavior and be an example to others.

An interesting fact you probably don't know:

There are more whitetail deer roaming the 48 states today than in 1900.

Why? - because of hunters. Hunters do more for species preservation and wildlife habitat conservation than every other group combined.

I don't expect my views to cause you to change yours, but perhaps you can come to a better understanding of why some cultures, some living here in the USA, are hunters and meat-eaters.
Um, because there are too many deer.

First, deer have been overbreeding, even after epidemics of sickness like Chronic Wasting Disease. There are more deer now than there should naturally be, kind of like rabbits. They have few to no natural predators except the winters (humans, of course, killed off the predators). They live in residential areas and ruin people's gardens.

Second, deer cause a crapload of car accidents, sometimes deadly. If you are a deer who's been hit by a car, you are most definitely going to suffer a painful death. Hunting is simply more humane (perhaps except bow hunting) and saves much in human life and property. We need hunting to keep the deer population from exploding.
Well the area I live in IDOT cleans up a least 1500 a season of the rode where they have been hit by cars. They don't cover but a small area of the interstate. We live in town and it's not uncommon to find a half a dozen in the yard or even turkey any coyote. So the answer would be they are very over populated in many areas. The state keeps control over how many are taken a year so as not to reduce the population to much, but they have to be thinned out.

By the way you shouls see how much corn a deer can eat in a year ! Far more cattle and hogs are killed yearly to feed all the folks in this country as well.
Mass slaughter my a$$!! They should open up the season and thin the bastards out. It has always amazed me that the states claim them as their deer until you hit one on the road then they clam no responsibility for their deer. I say shoot them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If it was my animal that wondered into the road and caused an accident I would be held liable and sued for the damage.
To reduce deer overpopulation. Do you live in an area with lots of deer?

The deer hunt should be increased significantly for forest management. The deer eat all the shrubbery and small trees. In the interest of biodiversity and healthy forests, we should reduce the numbers of deer.
Are you referring to hunting? Are you aware that there are still many people in this country that rely on hunting to put meat on the table? Are you aware that without hunting nature will thin the herd anyway?, usually with starvation. Or maybe you like hungry people and starving deer, I don't know.
If you are referring to the southern whitetail you don't know much about deer. If they aren't hunted they overpopulate and become a nuisance. It's true of other game animals also!
When their populations get too high, it has a very negative impact on the land. Plus, they are stupid animals that repeatedly jump in front of moving vehicles.

Their meat is also tasty.
To save them from starving for one. Deer meat is good to eat. And hunting is a great sport. The first is a fact, the last two are matters of opinion.
Population control, did you ever hit a deer with your car ? It sucks, and nobody wants to see deer starving to death due to overpopulation.
1) Many people enjoy hunting

2) The deer population is out of control

3) There are only certain times of the year where you can hunt legally
Because they taste good and in most parts of the country they are WAY over populated. You can thank the people that killed off all the wolves for that.
Because we have killed off the predators (wolves, bobcats, etc.) and many would starve to death if they weren't allowed to be hunted.
Last time i checked deer are still overpopulated here, so its probably a beneficial thing.
because deer kill more people then any other animal
Yeah their killling people in all their wars but lets all worry about the deer
Because venison is tasty.
Well, we do have a huge redneck population but I still don't think we hunt more than any other country....
Mostly to piss off stupid peta types.
for sport and meat and trophy and because we can
They taste good.
because they don't, that would be canada and russia
They breed faster than Bristol Palin.
well they are white people

that explains a lot og it.

maybe its a way to get out there anger?

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