Yes, you should use the meat if you are going to kill the animal.As i have gotten older i have become lazier, if i kill a deer for the rack alone is that wrong?
Yes, that is highly unethical for any hunter to enguage in- which leads me to believe that chances are you aren't a hunter at all and just posted that question to get people riled up. I was taught that the first rule of hunting is ';what you kill, you eat.'; If you've been hunting for years, don't you already have enough mounts? If a person is absolutly going to be a trophy hunter exclusively, the least you could do is research any food banks in your area that take game donations. Times are hard and there's alot of people out there running short on food to put on the table and here you are killing deer for the thrill of it just to let the carcasses rot.
It the worst thing you can do for the sport, at least give the meat to a butcher. Honestly its makes for a complete waste and a really bad smell and a unpleasant sight for who ever stumble upon the thing later. It essentially shaming the animal as well. If you do it, you can't even call yourself a true hunter! Your just some prick to like to shoot things that cant defend themselves and steal from them, get it skinned etc and don't whine about it. Be a REAL Hunter and man up ladybug. Happy Hunting!
i think it is ok this people need to get off the whole killing a animal is wrong crap. what do you people eat? they were put here for us to kill if this was back in the caveman days you would starve. you would be out there so fast trying to kill anything to eat it wouldn't even be funny.
i think you are fine with what you are doing maybe you can give the carcass to someone you know who could use the meat.
Just don't care about the skinning process.. I'm guessing you just cut the rack off and leave the body there?
If so, that is ILLEGAL.
Besides, a TRUE hunter will not waste that meat.
If you do not do a thing with the meat, then you don't need to hunt. If you just ';have'; to, then take the carcass to a food bank. I know there's many places where hunters can donate.
** Every animal you harvest SHOULD be a trophy. The rack size or how much it weighs should only be icing on the cake**
To an answerer: Donate to farmers?? WTF! Farmers have enough land and they see more deer in their tractors than we hope to see all season. When it's deer season, they carry a gun with them in the tractor (down here they do).
No...its a sport!! I know it may sound cruel but its fun!! My husband hunts for the sport and on a rare occation we may keep the meat but we found a friend that will take the meat and skin them to eat when he kills one. So if you feel like you are doing something wrong find someone that will do the work for you and give them the meat. They will be happy they dont have to do it themselves!!
i believe so. think of the native americans..they used ALL the parts of any animal they killed. by wanting to kill a deer just for its rack is selfish. this buck could grow up to be a bigger buck then it is, and maybe that hunter will mount the front of the body, or use the hide for something. i think its a little selfish.
Very wrong. It's things like these that make people hate the guy killing an animal because s/he needs too eat. If you don't care for the ';whole skinning process';, then you shouldn't care enough to pointlessly take an animal's life. Plus, why the in the hell wouldn't you want venison???
Well, the deer is going to die anyhow. Probably not at the same time that you would shoot it, but it would die eventually. You could donate the meat to farmers and hunters feeding the hungry or some similar organization. If humans don't eat the meat something will. It is the law of nature.
You hunt, seriously? I somehow doubt that. Haven't you heard of a meat processor? We don't skin or butcher our own deer. All you gotta do is field dress it and take it to the processor. Wa-la, two weeks later, you have packages of meat and it comes out to about $1 a pound. Seriously, who doesn't want almost free food?
I got a real problem with trophy hunters. Yes, it's wrong. If the whole bleeding, skinning, cleaning and butchering thing is a big drag for you then either buy some old antlers from someone or start using a camera to shoot your trophies. Guys like you give hunters a bad name.
YES! In Indiana it's even illegal. It's called wanton waste. If all you want is the trophy you would do the world, your state, and your county if you either had or made a list of people who would gladly take the animal after your kill or manned up ans skinned it and then donated it to a shelter or to a group like farmers and hunters feeding the hungry.
not only unethical, but illegal. wasting a game animal is up to a felony in some states. A heavy misdemeanor in others. penalties include loss of hunting privileges for life, prison time, heavy fines etc.
shoot safe
This question brought out the Peta trolls.....seems nobody is working today or they all are Peta kiddies out of school with no Peta job.
If you donate the deer to numerous places that will process the meat and feed the homeless/poor.....its a great thing to do.
We often donate a deer or two to the local food bank. If you are seriously wanting to hunt, and there is a facility in your area that will accept legally harvested wild game to feed hungry families, then this would be a perfectly acceptable thing to do.
Please, people, don't feed the trolls. When someone asks a stupid question, look at their profile to see if they have a habit of doing this. Goober here does, such as '; Is it true that one can be healed by just touching Obama's garment as he walks through the streets?';
He's not after an answer. Just trying to get people riled up.
its is wrong..
because youre not suppose to kill an animal unless youre going to eat it..
its not fair how would you feel if i just came up to you with a shotgun and blew your brains out sometime you have to be considerate
wow you are lazy. Go for a jog and use the whole deer. It's waste full and shows a bad example for you to not use the meet.
Nothing wrong at all! If not able skin or carry big deer now can still hunt, only mindless people say is wrong, they should mind own business, not try force their naive opinions upon you.
The slothful man roasteth not that which he took in hunting: but the substance of a diligent man is precious. Proverbs 12:27 KJV
Yes, it is wrong.
Yes it is absolutely wrong and in in most states illegal as well.
Ummm, yeah. That's wrong.
Find an easier hobby, if taking care of the whole thing is too much for you.
My wife has a pretty big rack.
that is wrong. if you don't need the meat donate it or something
Yes. Any time you kill and waste the food, you should be ashamed of yourself. At least quickly give it away to someone that can enjoys what you did other than you being so selfish.
I'm tempted to report you to PETA
Yes, that would be wasteful...just give the meat away. The deer is not there for your decoration needs, respect it or leave it alone.
uh...yes! THAT IS SOOOOO WRONG! if your gonna kill poor helpless animals...then u gotta learn to eat the meat!
Skin Funyuns instead.
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