Friday, February 12, 2010

Is it legal in Texas to kill a deer with a knife?

It is not specifically prohibited by hunting laws (… but apart from the impracticality of getting close enough to a wild animal to use a knife, there is a practical side to your question:

The knife is not necessarily the primary method of the hunt (i.e. used in bringing the animal down) but rather is used on an already downed animal (whether shot during lawful hunting, or hit by a car) that is still alive. The knife is used to humanely put the creature down. In that instance, it is legal to do so provided you do it in a quick, correctly anatomical manner to kill it. Trying to kill it haphazardly and causing it to suffer could potentially be illegal under animal cruelty laws.Is it legal in Texas to kill a deer with a knife?…

Doesn't really mention it. I would compare it to using a bow, but you would have to be very close. It would be hard to sneak up on one and make a fatal hit with a knife before it ran.

If you are on your own private property try it - If you can do it let me know.

If on a lease or public property- ask the owner.Is it legal in Texas to kill a deer with a knife?
only if you have a permit to hunt deer at the time,

i never been able to get that close to a deer, there plenty quick and see ya comming
It's not illegal to hunt deer with a knife....but how are you gonna get close enough to kill it without him smelling, hearing, or seeing you? what're you Rambo or something?
I don't think it is legal anywhere to kill a deer with a knife, if it is that law needs to be changed.
Idiot above the person above me. AND it is legal as long as you don't tell the feds.
Only if you hunt in the nude and wear the matting scent of the animal you are hunting Think you might enjoy doing a little bear hunting
That's another reason Palin can't become president - we'd be able to strangle all wildlife with our bare hands. For sport. And then sell their limbs for spending money. Ugh.
I guess if its hunting season.
only if you are wearing a loin cloth

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