Friday, February 12, 2010

How Much For A Deer Mount?

How Much For a Standard deer mount (shoulders neck) in New York?

I got my first deer, a pretty big 4 pointer and i would hopefully like to get a mount. Thanks How Much For A Deer Mount?
Do it yourself!

Do a websearch for taxidermy supplies and try to mount it yourself. The first time will not be that fantastic, but at lease you can say that you shot it AND mounted it yourself. How many folks can say that?

How Much For A Deer Mount?
it is normally about $300-$400 for everything. I just got my first deer this year too. I am 19 and for the first 4 years ive past up soo many small bucks and finally got an 8 pointer last weekend and a large spiker today. But congrats on your deer. If you have the money definitely get a full mount since its your first deer! but if not, i suggest just getting the antlers done up nice. Im doing that too and its about $75 with some of the fur. But either way, congrats on the deer
here in MT it runs $375-450. I am pretty sure that is about avg for most areas. Don't just go on price. Taxidermy is really a case of ';you get what you pay for'; If this is more than you want to spend, consider a European mount. That is something you can even do yourself and it takes up lots less room on the wall. Easier to move as you get older too.

Congratulations on your first deer
about 200-500, i say 200 because i know a guy that does them cheap.

and they look cheap to. but if i were you i would just mount the antlers.

that's what i did with my 8 pointer, also my first buck.
My 12-point was 250 in Ok but i think it will be around 300$
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