Friday, February 12, 2010

What is baby deer meat called?

I have no idea, is it a kitten or a puppy? Whatever, it is not edible.What is baby deer meat called?
It is not illegal to kill a fawn. It is illegal to hunt them. There are many deer raised as livestock in every state.

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What is baby deer meat called?
It's called ';Illegal.';
It's called (illeagal ) in most states that I know . LOL
This one is the best:


I rock!
adult deer is venison

baby is veal
Venison. Your not supposed to kill fawns though....
An animal that carries tape worms so cook well , Yuk !

It is a fawn not a baby deer. I call it murder, poor little fawn, it is illegal to kill them.
Deer meat is venison. I don't know if there is a specific term for baby deer meat.
baby venison
Venison or Bambi. Take your pick.
Venison. But if you kill a baby, you are gonna be in trouble...

And btw, 'veal' is a baby cow...Not all baby animal meat is automatically veal. You wouldn't say a baby pig is is just pork. Deer is venison. Period.
A waste...

...You should wait 'till they're fully grown, there's more meat on them.
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