Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What are the symptoms of lyme disease because i got bit by a deer tick and they carry lyme disease.?

Not all deer ticks carry the disease.

And most bites from a deer tick will produce the characteristic ';bullseye'; redness around the bite, whether or not the tick had the disease. That is the first noticable symptom.

Go see your doc and have them run a blood test to check for it, if you think you were bit by a deer tick. They may put you on antibiotics right away, just to be safe.

Good luck.What are the symptoms of lyme disease because i got bit by a deer tick and they carry lyme disease.?
The most common sympton is a giant red circle around the actual bite sometimes in the shape of a bullseye, but that uncommon. Mostly its a just a red rash around the bite, it can occur 3-30 days after the bite.

Then what follows are migraines, flu-like symptoms, muscle soreness and fever.

Next time just google Lyme Disease, might easier than just sitting around waiting on someone to answer.What are the symptoms of lyme disease because i got bit by a deer tick and they carry lyme disease.?
Good sources of info about Lyme disease:
since you have the use of the internet,

why not get accurate info by googling it ?

you may not get all the info from strangers, right ?
Fever, rash, fatigue.

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