Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What are they going to do with the deer? Please Read?

I was traveling down the highway and I saw someone hit a deer. The poor deer had a severely hurt extremely bloody foot/leg. He was laying on the side of the road, alert like a puppy. What is the county going to do with the poor dear?What are they going to do with the deer? Please Read?
yeah if its out of a busy city they usually do have an officer come by and kill it to put it out of its misery,maybe not the answer you like but its the quickest and most cost efficient way to get rid of a wild injured animal-a 9mm or .40 bullet(most common among law enforcement) breaks down to about $1 a piece for hollow points,taking a deer in and having it put to sleep would be a couple $100,vet bill for fixing deer legs and nursing it back to heath until it can be released back into the wild is an easy couple grand- and you gotta think too,they cant fix every injured animal in the wild,its the cycle of life and it happens-so yes it is only $1-$3 to put a deer out of its misery by handgun vs. your city spending a couple grand everytime a deer walks in front a carWhat are they going to do with the deer? Please Read?
Depends on if someone calls it in or not.

If someone does call it in, someone will come and 'dispatch' the deer (put it out of it's misery).

Or, if someone doesn't call it in, it will probably try to limp off into the woods and some coyotes, wolves or bear will kill and eat the deer.

It's laying there acting like that most likely because of shock from the accident and/or because of blood lose depending how bad the injury is.

I've shot a deer, with an injury just like what your describing, but the foot was attached to the rest of the leg by a piece of skin. The deer had gangrene.

If the deer isn't killed by local predators or if someone doesn't call about the deer and someone doesn't put the deer out, then the deer will probably get a bad infection and it won't make it to the fall because of mosquitoes and flies. The flies will lay eggs on the exposed, dead tissue, and (this may sound gross, but it's a way of life) maggots will eat the dead tissue. And going thru the woods and water, there's a good chance for infection.
If someone called it in ... the local LEO or Animal control folks will come along and put it out of it's misery. Sounds like a compound fracture (common in Deer vs Auto) and your county wont pay a $10,000 vet bill to heal a broken leg up... it's a deer not a stud racehorse.

That deer will stay alive until it dehydrates to death... that would be cruel and some one needs to ';end it'; if a humane ending is desired.

If you live in a rural area... the deer may go to a food bank or into the officers freezer. Or it may just go to whatever your county has chosen for it's point of disposal.

If you live in a really rural area... and a guy like me is around... I will put it down and contact my local DNR and LEO folks for permission to tag the critter and put it up to eat later.
we feed road kill to the animals at the zoo. as for what the county will do? who knows. Me? I'd stop and put it out of it's misery as quickly and humanely as I could, rather than leaving it there to suffer while I drive home and play on the computer like you did

shoot safe
if i see a hurt animal on the road i end its pain with a knife to the heart. if i dont want it then the coyotes can have itand believe me they will strip it down to the bone. if its not killed by a person then the coyotes eat it alive. police dont usually use their side arms for that because they have to fill out a bunch of paperwork, a while ago my neighbor(who is a cop)got a call for a coon with rabies, so he got his shotgun and took care of it
First, Xandier, I wish I could break your leg.

Where I come from, if law enforcement has to kill a severely injured deer the meat is given to shelters to be used to feed people and believe me it is a full house on ';venison night.';
they usually call someone such as the police to shoot the deer in the head...humane? not really... will it end the deer's suffering? ...i hope it will be painless...
there gunna shoot it in the head becauses its apparently the ';humane'; thing to do. But apparently if it was a human there it would be a completely different story and saving him would be the humane thing to do -_-

edit: well i'm just saying if a deer is injured they should try and save it instead of shooting it in the head and eating it.

maybe you could donate some money to the shelter instead of donating roadkill.

Serioulsy WTF??? why do i get 17 thumbs down for saying they should try and help the animal instead of killing it?

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