Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Where is the best place to find deer in the moring during the rut?

near water, food, ect ???Where is the best place to find deer in the moring during the rut?
I would start near lakes and streams feeding those lakes where the trees come right down to the water line and offers excellent cover. I would have already found the deers and the young there during the summer and knew to go back if the numbers of doe's warrant the need for bucks in the area Where is the best place to find deer in the moring during the rut?
If your hunting at the height of the rut a buck could basicly care less if he eats or not. They'll go 24/7 trying to find hot does. The best place to find them is if you can find the females. The does have the tendency to move in their normal pattern which may have changed due to feed availibility( corn,acorns,sugar beets, etc.) The bucks will normally create scrapes in the dirt along these game trails trying to attract a doe to the vicinity. These can be discovered by following game trails. Look for scrapes on the ground and a small broken branch about 4 to 5 feet off the ground directly over the scrape. The buck will also urinate in the scrape so you may detect the sent of urine in the area. If some of these are located it can make your hunt alot easier.

You may not find a buck directly on one of these scrapes because they have the ability to check them from quite a distance down wind so you may wish to find a place down wind from one and just sit and watch. They may be has far away has 100 yds.

Good luck and I hope I've helped you.
Bucks are very unlucky in which they can only do that special once a year unlike us humans. bucks are on the move the most during the rut trying to knock up as many does as possible so try and hunt where you see a lot or rubs and a bleat can and doe urine if used correctly.
Wherever the does are spending a lot of time.
around does, they dont drink or eat in rut, at least its not there priority!

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